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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Career and Technology Studies

Career and Technology Studies offer all students learning opportunities to apply in their daily lives, now and in the future.  We help students refine their career planning, develop technology related skills, and enhance employability.

CTS courses are made up of individual single credit courses which define what a student is expected to know and be able to do. When students successfully complete a single credit course they have earned one credit. Single credit courses are organized into three levels: introduction, intermediate and advanced.

Courses composed of advance level single credit courses may be used by students to meet high school diploma requirements.  At Eastglen, single credit CTS courses are bundled to make up courses to take maximum advantage of facilities, equipment and instructional expertise. We believe that these combinations best suit the needs of students, school, and community.

School to Work Programs

Starting a job? Looking for a job? Changing jobs or job duties? Want to earn extra high school credits? Need credits to graduate? Like to explore a career? Want to add to your resume? If you answered YES then read on...

25 hours worked = 1 high school credit